About the project

Project IED Serbia “Green Transition – Implementing Industrial Emissions Directive in Serbia 2021-2027”, represents the third phase of cooperation between the Ministry of Environmental Protection, Cleaner Production Centre of the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade, and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, and the extended support in the implementation of national regulations in the area of integrated pollution prevention and control, by promoting the transition of Serbian industry to green technologies.

The main objective of the Project is to provide assistance and support to competent authorities and companies in the implementation of the Directive, which would reduce the impact of industrial emissions on the environment and human health. The Project will provide technical and administrative support to the Ministry of Environmental Protection and other competent authorities in the preparation of draft integrated permits for the selected companies, as well as in amending and preparing the regulations and part of the Negotiation Position in the field of industrial pollution.

The Project will also support the preparation of the Directive Specific Implementation Plan for the EU ETS Directive, as support in achieving the national climate goals. The development of new business models will ensure support to industry in reducing their carbon footprint by applying cost-effective and clean technological solutions for the transition towards the European Green Deal.

The experience gained in the previous two phases of the Project will enable the provision of support to Serbian institutions in introducing necessary changes into the legal and administrative framework, which would reduce the impact of the existing obstacles and bottlenecks to the regulatory cycle of integrated pollution prevention and control.

Technical assistance planned by the new Project will be offered to competent authorities and other stakeholders involved in the implementation of the Law on IPPC at different levels. The first and most important beneficiary will be the Ministry of Environmental Protection through support and close cooperation with the selected expert team both in the theoretical part and in learning-by-doing in the field. Such an approach will refer to every step of the regulatory cycle, from the preparation of legal documents and technical documents analysis, to thorough preparation and issuance of the integrated permit.

Cooperation with environmental inspectors will ensure coverage of the entire regulatory cycle. The Project will support the formation and training of a core team of inspectors that will, at different administrative levels, gain experience in the control of installations that are subject to the issuance of integrated permits.

Info Centre established within the new IED Serbia Project, will play an important role in the implementation of the Directive through permanent support to operators and competent authorities in the preparation of integrated permits, and in the provision of information to all stakeholders on the Best Available Techniques, regulations, available funds, and other related topics. Activities of the Info Centre will include the preparation of the manuals, brochures, and other educational materials which will make available necessary knowledge from target areas to all stakeholders.

Project visibility and public awareness raising, students in particular, on regulations in the field of industrial pollution, but also other topics, such as the Green Agenda and circular economy, are ensured through the Project Communication Strategy and devised campaigns through the Project website and developed social network communities, as well as through direct activities with stakeholders.

As part of the project, a Code of Business Conduct was created that establishes general rules of business conduct for all employees of the “Green Transition – Implementation of the Directive on Industrial Emissions in Serbia in the period 2021-2027” project. The goal of the Code is to contribute to the execution of business activities in the spirit of business ethics, good business practices, and the principles of good faith, as well as to improve the transparency of business operations. The Code of Business Conduct can be viewed here.