First training module for environmental inspectors delivered

The first of three planned training modules for inspectors was delivered within the October mission of international IED Serbia Project experts. The first training module was held in Belgrade, it took for five days and was devoted to the development of inspection plan, as well as to waste water treatment in installations subject to the inspection control.

On the first day, an introductory Zoom workshop was held for a selected group of inspectors, under the title “Preparation for a site inspection”. Irish experts, Mr. Patrick Lawrence Sweeney and Mr. Frank Clinton, delivered introductory lectures ahead of the two-day workshop and preparations for a visit to operators in the field.

The two-day training course, held at the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, was organised for a large number of inspectors as well as representatives of the Department for Integrated Permits. International project experts, Mr. Patrick Lawrence Sweeney and Mr. Frank Clinton held a series of lectures on the first day regarding the preparation, planning and analysis of legal framework for inspection control. Within the practical part, the experts held a series of exercises predicting various scenarios of environmental pollution and monitoring mechanisms, as well as “mock” interviews with operators. The second day of the training at the Serbian Chamber of Commerce was devoted to wastewater treatment in industrial installations. International project experts presented EU legislation related to water protection and delivered lectures on wastewater management, preliminary and primary wastewater treatment and different methods for wastewater treatment, primarily biological one, such are the systems with activated sludge and biofilters, as well as physical, i.e., physical-chemical treatment.

The fourth day covered visits to companies and work in the field, organised in groups of three selected inspectors and one international expert. Considering that a training topic was wastewater treatment, the visit of the first group of inspectors was organised in Vrbas, in the “Carnex” meat processing plant, while the second group visited Novi Sad and the “Neoplanta” meat processing plant. Draft integrated permits were prepared for both companies within the previous IED Serbia Project phase, and “Neoplanta” has meanwhile obtained the permit, while the one for “Carnex” is still expected.

At the end of the first week of the mission of international experts, a workshop was held with selected inspectors dedicated to the preparation of inspection reports. At the beginning of the workshop, both groups worked together so that each group of inspectors could present their observations and conclusions from the inspection that took place the previous day.

Within the IED Serbia Project, more precisely, within Activity 2.4, goal of which is to improve control and supervision over the implementation of conditions prescribed in the integrated permit, a detailed training plan for inspectors was prepared in three modules. The first step in this procedure was the selection of the main team of inspectors who would undergo detailed training course, and who will be trainers for other inspectors regarding the control of conditions prescribed by integrated permits. In the selection process, a core team of six inspectors were selected from the national and provincial levels, and from the City of Belgrade. Six key topics were defined in the training preparation process: inspection plan, wastewater treatment, waste management, soil and ground water pollution, as well as air pollution and noise.