The workshop for representatives of IPPC farm operators and authorities responsible for issuing integrated permits for farms was held on 5 March at the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy in Belgrade. The topics of the workshop were: monitoring plan as a part of the application for integrated permit, proving watertightness of lagoons on pig farms and wastewater management on poultry farms.
Beside the project associates, the participants were addressed by Ms. Jovana Rašeta from PWMC “Srbijavode”, who reminded the participants to obligations set forth in legal regulations in this area. The presenters at this workshop were also Mr. Robert Spajić from the Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek, Ms. Katarina Kundih from the “Belje-Agrokor” company, and Mr. Aleksandar Božjaković from the “Hranaprodukt” company. They shared their experience with the participants in resolving problems from the operators’ standpoint.
The workshop is the first one in a range of many that will be organised for farms during the project implementation. The agenda of the workshop is available here.