Innovative Solutions for Sustainable Business

Large industrial installations subject to the requirements of the European Union’s Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) are obliged to apply Best Available Techniques (BAT) and to comply with the prescribed emission limit values (BAT-AEL) for environmental pollutants. The primary goal of implementing BAT is to prevent or reduce emissions and environmental impacts of industrial installations.

We discussed the importance of implementing Best Available Techniques (BAT) and the support the IED project provides to competent authorities and companies in this process with Riccardo Quaggiato, the key technical expert of the IED Serbia project. We presented the company ‘Papir Print doo’ from Gornji Milanovac, which has invested in new equipment and achieved compliance with BAT while also realising financial savings through proper design and integration of the new equipment into the production process, installed in three phases, the last phase with the support of the ‘EU for Green Agenda in Serbia’ project.

You can view the leaflet by clicking here.