Integrated Permit Issued to the Regional Landfill Subotica

Provincial Secretariat for Urban Planning and Environmental Protection of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina has issued a Decision on issuing integrated permit to the operator Regional Landfill Ltd. Subotica for the operation of installation, and for non-hazardous waste management and disposal at the Bikovo location near Subotica.

Draft integrated permit was prepared for this operator within the IED Serbia Project in cooperation with representatives of the provincial competent authorities. Within technical support to issuance of integrated permits provided by the Project to competent authorities in Serbia, it is planned to prepare fifteen draft integrated permits for operators from different industrial sectors and different districts in Serbia, in order to make the scope of technical support as comprehensive as possible, and to include competent authorities from all levels of competence. Each industrial sector has specific legal and technical challenges that are solved by the team with the support of international and local experts of the IED Serbia Project. 

Regional Landfill Subotica is a regional waste management system (RWMS) for solid waste management in the very north of Serbia, in Bikovo near Subotica, Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. This company was founded in late 2007 by the Municipalities of Bačka Topola, Kanjiža, Senta, Mali Iđoš, Novi Kneževac, Čoka and the City of Subotica. It is designed for treatment, storage, reuse and disposal of non-hazardous municipal and commercial waste.

Notification on the issuance of integrated permit to the operator “Regional Landfill Ltd. Subotica” from Subotica has been published on the official website of the Provincial Secretariat for Urban Planning and Environmental Protection