A cycle of lectures for the students of the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy of the University of Belgrade, titled as the “Application of regulations in the field of environmental protection: from theory to practice” continued with a selection of thematic areas related to environmental impact assessment, strategic impact assessment, waste management, and packaging waste management.
The first week of December was reserved for a lecture on integrated pollution prevention and control. Representative of the Ministry of Environmental Protection from the Department for Integrated Permits presented in detail the very law, by-laws, the obligations of operators and relevant authorities responsible for issuing integrated permits.
Considering that the IED Serbia project fully supports this cooperation, and that the topic is in line with the project activities and the purpose of the very project, the project team delivered two presentations that brought this topic closer to the students. The students had the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the concept and basic terms related to the Industrial Emissions Directive, which is yet to be fully transposed into national legislation, but this was also an opportunity for them to hear more about the Seville Process, Best Available Techniques (BAT), as well as reference documents on the Best Available Techniques (the so-called BREF documents). In the sequel, they were introduced more into the activities of the project related to preparation of draft integrated permits for the selected operators, cooperation with competent authorities for the issuance of IPPC permits, and they learned about the experience the project has gained in cooperation and communication with operators.
The training for the students was organised in accordance with the Cooperation Agreement signed by the Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia (MEP) and the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy of the University of Belgrade (FTM). The training is intended to help students in their final years of undergraduate studies and students at master and doctoral studies in their future professional careers in industries that are obliged to apply environmental legislation.