Prevention, Compliance, and Enforcement

The Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) is the main instrument of European Union regulating pollutant emissions from industrial installations that have an adverse effect on the environment and human health. This Directive, which also includes the IPPC Directive, contains mandatory requirements regarding the inspection and control of industrial installations that must be provided on the basis of specific criteria related to planning, execution, reporting, and evaluation.

We talked about environmental Inspection as a key mechanism for the efficient implementation and enforcement of legal acts in the field of environmental protection with Mr Dejan Furjanović, assistant minister of the Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia, while Mr Momir Boljanić, head of the department for the industry in the Sector for Supervision and Preventative Action in the Environment presented the work of inspection in the field of integrated pollution prevention and control. 

We had the opportunity to hear more about the training program for the selected team of environmental inspectors that was delivered within the IED Serbia project from Mr Patrick Lawrence Sweeney, the international technical expert of the project.

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