Promotion of technological improvement in the food production chain

Activity 3.1: Analysis of the background

A comprehensive analysis of the ongoing environmental programs will be prepared, as well as a survey on the projects currently in place or planned by the involved companies. The activity will include a SWOT analysis of the potential projects involving technological improvement in the food production chain in Serbia considering topics like energy efficiency, water usage and management, waste water treatment, waste or by-products recycling and re-use. In the analysis of potential projects, the project team will make sure that the outcomes are in line with the IED requirements and that implementation of identified projects will help operators to comply with BAT and related ELVs.

Activity 3.2: Preparation of projects proposals

Based on the outcomes of the analysis, the project will identify some environmental projects involving companies from the food production chain and Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy and potential funding programs to carry them out. A list of project proposals will be prepared in order to be ready for the application for funds (Innovation Fund, H2020, Erasmus+, Green Fund, other programs) once specific calls will be published.