The training course for students of the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy of the University of Belgrade, titled as the “Application of regulations in the field of environmental protection: from theory to practice”, continued with visits to selected representatives of the industry in the field. A group of fifteen students visited the factory “Umka d.o.o” from Umka, which produces cardboard from recycled collected waste paper and cardboard. The Umka cardboard factory is the largest recycler of packaging waste paper and cardboard in Serbia, with the capacity to recycle more than 500 tons a day. The produced cardboard is widely used in the production of cardboard packaging for various types of industry, and is exported to more than 30 European markets.
The Umka cardboard factory represents an example of good practice in its area, because it continuously invests in increasing its production capacity and improving the quality of its products, as well as in the efficient use of natural resources and environmental protection. After an introductory meeting and a short training session on the occupational health and safety, the students, accompanied by an engineer, toured the production plant and learned about the operational processes.
The visits to installations are organised with the support of the IED Serbia project, and are implemented together with the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy in accordance with the Cooperation Agreement signed by the Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia (MEP) and the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy of the University of Belgrade (FTM).