Support to Competent Authorities in issuing integrated permits to food processing industry

A workshop has been held at the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy in Belgrade within the project component that includes support to local self-governments in preparing draft integrated permits for operators in the food processing sector. The workshop was delivered by international and national project experts, who highlighted key environmental challenges in individual sectors of food processing industry, such as slaughterhouses and meat processing industry, diary plants and production of edible oils, sugar plants, and provided specific proposals to overcome them. The workshop was attended by representatives of competent authorities for integrated permits in Serbia at all levels.

When it comes to slaughterhouses and food processing plants, typical issues were analysed. They mainly pertain to environmental impacts and non-compliances with Best Available Techniques (BAT) and certain proposals were made with regard to defining permit conditions. The greatest environmental impacts of some representatives from this sector are direct discharge of wastewater, i.e. lack or absence of proper wastewater treatment devices.

Key environmental challenges in sugar production sub-sector pertain to energy efficiency and consumption, efficient water consumption, and wastewater management. The experts analysed in detail parts of the BAT Reference Documents (BREF) referring to this sub-sector and examples of non-compliances which require additional of bespoke permit conditions. As for dairy plants, the greatest attention was paid to efficient water and wastewater management, as well as to ground water protection.

Local project experts presented the statuses of applications for integrated permit and underlying documents, as well as draft integrated permits for operators from each food processing industry sub-sector.