The June Mission of International Expert from Austria Held

Compliance with Best Available Techniques Conclusions (BATC) is a key step in finding a balance between environmental improvements and financial impacts when implementing the requirements of the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) in the industry. One of the activities of the IED Serbia project is a comparative analysis of the financial effects and the impact on the environment that the introduction of these technologies would bring in selected industrial sectors. In this way, the project will provide support to operators and competent authorities in providing relevant data on the application of BAT that would enable the improvement of environmental protection while at the same time ensuring the sustainability of industrial production.

As part of this activity, the international technical expert on the IED Serbia project, Dr Johannes Fresner, together with local experts and members of the project team, visited selected representatives of the industry that are subject to obtaining an integrated permit and, as part of their production activities, perform surface treatment of materials using organic solvents such as are “Impol Seval” Aluminium Rolling Mill Inc Sevojno, as well as “Papir print”, “Foka” and “Tipoplastika” from Gornji Milanovac. Dr. Fresner’s mission lasted for one week and was conducted from June 19-23, 2023.