One of the key activities within the technical support provided by the project IED Serbia to the competent authorities in Serbia is support for the process of issuing integrated permits. In cooperation with the representatives of the competent authorities, fifteen drafts of integrated permits will be prepared in order to analyse and solve the technical challenges related to specific industrial sectors as a team. The selection of operators for which draft permits will be prepared is made in agreement with the competent Ministry. In order to ensure the maximum support of the project, the selection of operators covers different industrial activities and geographical areas.
In the third group of selected operators, for which draft integrated permits will be prepared, is the public utility company “Pirot Regional Landfill”, which deposits waste from the territories of the municipalities of Pirot, Babušnica, Dimitrovgrad, and Bela Palanka. The tour of this facility was conducted in the presence of representatives of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, representatives of the Swedish Embassy in Belgrade, the EU Delegation in Serbia and members of the project team.
This was followed by a tour of the Sugar Factory in Pećinci, part of the sugar plant “Sunoko” Ltd. Novi Sad, which operates within the MK Group. The production canter in Pećinci was founded in 1976 and today has a sugar beet processing capacity of over 8.000 tons per day. A visit to the company “Impol Seval Valjaonica aluminijuma a.d” from Sevojno was also arranged, which operates within the Impol business group. The activity of this company, which has been in operation since 1975, is the processing of aluminium into rolled, extruded, drawn, forged, and other types of products. The process of issuing this permit is part of the joint support of SIDA and UNDP through the “EU for the Green Agenda in Serbia” project.