Third training module for environmental inspectors delivered

The third training module for environmental inspectors was delivered as part of the June mission of international IED Serbia project experts. On the first day, Irish project experts Mr Patrick Lawrence Sweeney and Mr Frank Clinton held a workshop on air pollution caused by various industrial activities, as well as techniques for controlling and reducing air emissions from these activities.

The second day of the workshop was dedicated to noise, vibration, and odour management in the environment. As with the previous, this workshop included both theoretical and practical work. The workshop covered topics related to sources of noise and vibrations in industry and approaches to their monitoring, permit conditions related to noise and vibration monitoring, the legal framework for the regulation of odours in the environment, and techniques for their control, monitoring, and assessment.

On the third day of the workshop for environmental inspectors, international experts held a preparation for site inspections, which involved joint work and work in groups. In the continuance, on-site training was held at the company “Jelen Do” Lime & Aggregates, which operates within the Carmeuse Group and deals with lime and cement production, the company “Impol Seval” Aluminium Mill from Sevojno and “Unipromet” from Čačak, which is involved in the production of protective fences, aluminium panels and other road equipment. The inspection was carried out with emphasis on the topics covered in the workshops on air pollution, noise, vibrations, and odour management.

At the end of the first week of the mission of international experts on the project, a workshop dedicated to the preparation of inspection reports was held that marked the successful completion of the training for the core team of inspectors regarding the control of the conditions prescribed by the integrated permits. The training lasted for fifteen working days in the period from October 2022 to June 2023 and included six key topics: inspection planning, wastewater treatment, waste management, soil and groundwater pollution, as well as air pollution, noise, vibrations and odour management. At the end of the workshop, the inspectors who make up the core team were awarded certificates for the successful completion of the training.