Every activity that implements the green transition and decarbonization of the industry requires the participation of numerous actors and institutions. For this reason, we dedicated the new leaflet to the cooperation of two projects – “EU for Green Agenda in Serbia” and “IED Serbia”. The goals of the projects “EU for Green Agenda in Serbia” and “IED Serbia” are compatible and intertwine and complement each other, and that is why their synergistic action achieves the desired results. We presented the model of this cooperation through examples of good practice – Impol Seval Aluminum Mill JSC Sevojno and Meat Industry Carnex Ltd Vrbas.
We talked about the just green transition of the Serbian economy and the joint action of the two projects with Ms Ida Reuterswärd, First Secretary and Programme Manager for Environment and Climate Reform Support of the Embassy of Sweden in Belgrade. We had the opportunity to hear more about the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans and the vision of the cooperation of projects dealing with this topic from Mr Antoine Avignon Program Manager for the Environment and Climate Change EU Delegation to Serbia.
You can view the leaflet by clicking here.
‘This publication is produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the IED Serbia project and may in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union”.