An online Workshop was held within the IED Serbia project “Improving raw materials and energy efficiency in food production and processing using the best available techniques for IPPC operators in the food industry, operators of IPPC farms and representatives of competent authorities. The workshop was organized with the aim of introducing participants to the available solutions and modern equipment that increases efficiency in the food production sector, through experiences and examples from Sweden, Denmark, Austria and Croatia.
After the introductory remarks of the project manager Dr. Bojana Vukadinović and project associate Dr. Aleksandar Ćosović, international project expert Dr. Johannes Fresner presented examples and experiences from the European Union in improving process efficiency primarily in refrigeration systems for food processing industry. Clement Larsen-Ledet introduced the participants to the experiences from Sweden and Denmark and presented innovative solutions for saving water and energy in the food industry. Robert Spajić, international expert of the IED Serbia project, introduced the workshop participants to the potential savings of water and energy on farms.
The workshop ended with a discussion between the industry representatives and the experts who participated in the workshop. Recently, the project published a manual on “Energy efficiency in the food industry in the process of obtaining an integrated permit” as well as the leaflet on “Energy efficiency in the food industry”.
Agenda of the Workshop can be found here.